Dayboks, May 8, 1837-December 10, 1840.


Dayboks, May 8, 1837-December 10, 1840.

Daybooks consist of chronological accounts of expenditures made in each district for work on internal improvement projects. Entries for each disbursement include date and number of voucher submitted by district's commissioner commissioner's name, project for which payment is made, name of payee (e.g., contractor, suuplier, employee), amount of payment, cause for payment (e.g., construction, engineering, or miscellaneous costs which include food supplies, cooking utensils, mathematical and surveying instruments, lumber, iron, barrels, rope, furnitrue and other equipment, board and lodging of employees, travel expenses, drayage, postage, advertising, printing) and usually date service or equipment supplied. Volumes are fair copies which were trancribed July 17, 1839-April 5, 1841.

daybooks 10 volumes.


SNAC Resource ID: 7394703

Illinois State Archive

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